速報APP / 生產應用 / MOBI to EPUB



檔案大小:1.3 MB

版本需求:OS X 10.7 或以上版本,64 位元處理器


MOBI to EPUB(圖1)-速報App

MOBI to EPUB: A simple, efficient way to batch converts Mobipocket/Kindle (MOBI) ebook format documents into EPUB documents.

Formats supported: some older text Palmdoc formats (pdb), Mobipocket files (prc, mobi), newer MOBI files including KF8 format (azw, azw3), Replica Print files (azw4).

(Note: Books with DRM is not supported.)


◆Accurate Preservation, Preserve all the text, links, images, layouts in the imported files.

◆Batch conversion at lightning fast speed.

◆Easy to use, simply Drag & Drop into conversion list, then just click the button to convert.

◆An advance option to add files recursively form subfolders into conversion list.

MOBI to EPUB(圖2)-速報App

◆An advance option to maintain source directory hierarchy at destination with converted files in respective folders.

◆An advance option to order items in conversion list by source file name, file size, output name, status or manual.

◆An advance option to rename output files.

◆An advance option to convert all or selected files in the conversion list.

◆An advance option to show output folder in finder after conversion or not.


You can refer User Manual from menu "Help -> MOBI to EPUB Help” for any assistance or contact support.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about using our products at any time.

MOBI to EPUB(圖3)-速報App

Email: support@firmshell.com